Buna fetelor,

Motivul pentru care astazi am sa scriu in limba romana este pentru ca aceasta postare vi se adreseaza voua, timisorencelor! Pe 22 Aprilie la ora 17:00 la AMBASADA va astept cu maxim 10 produse calcate & aranjate, pregatite pentru a fi “swapped”.

Promit sa ne distram impreuna! Ca de fiecare data, atelierele de infrumusetare vor fi prezente <3

Nu uitati de sectiunea de donatii, separati cateva hainute de cele alese pentru swap si promit ca o sa va simtiti mai bine. In fiecare zi trebuie sa facem o fapta buna, sambata putem face asta impreuna! Pentru a intra lucruri noi in dulapul tau, trebuie sa le faci loc… 😀

Intrarea la Fashion Swap Party este de 20 lei. Eu am fost la editia trecuta si am iesit de acolo cu parul si manichiura facuta so it’s all worth it! 😀

Mai jos am pozat cateva dintre produsele pe care le voi aduce eu sambata, incluzand ochelarii de soare!

Sper sa va placa, va pup si va astept




Hello guys,

I can officially write it. It’s Spring & I couldn’t be happier! What are we gonna wear these 3 biutiful months? We’re gonna wear anything that we’re comfortable in but also, metals!!! Even though some pieces might seem a bit too much for the day light…they’re not, trust me! And if you don’t trust me, check these photos right below. ->

Now let’s talk a bit about hair & make-up. We always wanna be fresh, right? We want to establish new vibes & that’s okay because that means you want to become a better version of yourself. If you look closely I’m wearing a very light, dusty pink make-up and I’m putting the accent on the illuminator, not on the lips, not on the eyes but on the contour of the face. This Spring we wanna be as natural and flowery as we can.

This special pony tail was made by the one and only Robert Pusok who also dyed my hair blonde. You can see that I am also wearing colored highlights; they make the tail look different & fun.

Don’t forget DENIM + METALS = LIFE

If you like this Spring look…like it, share it & love it <3

Have a great Monday,


Amalia Gaita photography